__ __ __ __ _ _____ __ _ _ _ | \/ | | \/ | | | |_ _| / _(_) (_) | | \ / | __ _ _ __ _ _| \ / | ___ __| |___ | | _ __ | |_ _ _ __ _| |_ _ _ | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \| | | | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` / __| | | | '_ \| _| | '_ \| | __| | | | | | | | (_| | | | | |_| | | | | (_) | (_| \__ \ _| |_| | | | | | | | | | | |_| |_| | |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__, |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___/ |_____|_| |_|_| |_|_| |_|_|\__|\__, | __/ | __/ | |___/ |___/ Changelog Last updated 10/24/2023 -------------------------------------------------- 3.1.1 "Spy Check" -Morph Mod buffed and nerfed (morphs are "upgraded" to highest tier from the start, hostile mobs will now attack you even if you morph into one) -Ice and Fire / Morph Mod conflicts fixed, dragons now leave their corpses behind properly -Added CraftTweaker script allowing for conversion of Splatcraft wool to vanilla wool. Note: you may obtain vanilla wool directly by using shears -------------------------------------------------- 3.1 "Pondering my Orb" -Added SecurityCraft, AE2 Wireless Terminals, AE Infinity Booster, Ars Nouveau, Easy Villagers, EnderStorage, Entangled, Mob Grinding Utils, Occultism, supermartijn642corelib, supermartijn642configlib -Removed Magnesium Extras -------------------------------------------------- 3.0 "Not a Halo Reference" -Added Oculus, ModernFix, AttributeFix, Clumps, More Axolotl Variants, SerializationIsBad, Morph, Resourcify, Customizable Player Models, Iam Music Player, Simple Voice Chat, Lightspeed, Otyacraft Engine, Kotlin for Forge, Chat Heads, Polymorph, NetherPortalFix, Auudio, FancyMenu Audio Extension, and one secret mod that you will definitely find funny -Replaced Rubidium and associated addons with Embeddium and its own addons -Updated over 50 mods -Removed Skin Layers 3D -Loading and title screens refreshed -------------------------------------------------- 2.0 "Return to Form" -Added various optimization mods, BetterEnd Forge, Splatcraft -Updated most mods -Replaced PackMenu and Darker Loading Screen with FancyMenu and Drippy Loading Screen -Replaced Gravestone Mod with Corpses -Replaced Xaero's Minimap and World Map with Journeymap -------------------------------------------------- 1.4 "Season 1" -Added 3D Skin Layers -Added Bad Wither No Cookie Reloaded -Added Eidolon -Added Flux Networks -Added Nature's Compass -Added Outvoted -Added Simple Storage Network -------------------------------------------------- 1.3 "Spaceballs: the MMI Update" -Added Health Overlay -Added Dank Storage -Added Mekanism Additions -Added BlockCarpentry -Updated Xaero's Worldmap, Xaero's Minimap, Mana and Artifice, CraftTweaker -Spice of Life Carrot Edition now has 200 milestones. God help us all. -Extreme Reactors maximum reactor size increased to maximum allowed in config -Disabled Xaero's Minimap/Worldmap update notifications -------------------------------------------------- 1.2 "Day 2 Patch" -Added MrCrayfish's Vehicle Mod -Added FTB Ultimine and FTB Utilities -Disabled spawning of Ice and Fire cockatrices -Disabled generation of yellorite ore -Removed Krypton Reforged due to networking bugs -------------------------------------------------- 1.1 "Day 1 Patch" -Updated Forge and various mods -------------------------------------------------- 1.0 -Initial release